Virtual Functions

While learning Java, I came across this line of code:

List<Integer> array = new ArrayList();

As someone who knows C++, this is somewhat confusing – List is an interface that ArrayList implements. But if we treat ArrayList as a list, then when we call List.add() we must use dynamic dispatch to find the right implementation, since the implementation of add isn’t on the list interface.

That involves a virtual function lookup.

In Java, most function calls are virtual, unless a method is declared as final (which means it cannot be overriden).

By doing this, we get an advantage – if we decide to change our array variable from an ArrayList to another List interface conforming type, we can do so without breaking any code.

In exchange, we cannot use any ArrayList specific methods without casting to ArrayList, which nullifies this benefit.

We have information that both ArrayList and LinkedList implement the List interface, so we can treat them as such in a collection.

ArrayList<List> lists = new ArrayList<List>();
lists.add(new ArrayList());
lists.add(new LinkedList());

for (List<Integer> l : lists) {
    l.add(10); // defer to each lists' implementation for add

Since we know that Java uses virtual functions for interface implementations, everything works as expected. l.add(10) defers to the implementation of ArrayList and LinkedList, and each list is added a 10.

A full example of virtual functions might look something like this:

public class Animal {
  void move() {
    System.out.printf("walk %s\n",;

  String name() {
    return "Animal";

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Animal animals[] = {new Animal(), new Bird(), new Elephant()};

    for (Animal animal : animals) {

class Bird extends Animal {
  void move() {
    System.out.printf("fly %s\n",;

  String name() {
    return "Bird";

class Elephant extends Animal {
  String name() {
    return "Elephant";

Running this prints this out:

walk Animal
fly Bird
walk Elephant

Here we create a base class, Animal, which has two methods, name and move. This class is instantiable because it has default implementations for both methods. The Bird class overrides the move method, since it flies instead of walks, and the Elephant only overrides the name. When we collect them into an array and call the move() method on each animal as an animal, Java does the virtual function lookup and calls the correct overriden method as we expect.

It turns out that not every language does this, mainly because there is a runtime cost in dynamic dispatch.

In C++, you must designate a function as virtual which labels a function as overridable by an inherited class.

A roughly word for word translation of the above java program would look like this:

#include <stdio.h>

struct Animal {
  virtual const char *name() const { return "Animal"; }
  virtual void move() const { printf("walk %s\n", name()); }
  virtual ~Animal() {}

struct Bird : public Animal {
  virtual void move() const override { printf("fly %s\n", name()); }
  virtual const char *name() const override { return "Bird"; }

struct Elephant : public Animal {
  virtual const char *name() const override { return "Elephant"; }

int main(void) {
  const Animal *animals[] = {new Animal(), new Bird(), new Elephant()};

  for (const auto &animal : animals) {

This returns:

walk Animal
fly Bird
walk Elephant

In the Java version it isn’t apparent to the programmer that there is a runtime cost, but C++ puts it front and center. Since we used the new keyword, everything is placed on the heap. When we try to call the move() method, we have to do it with the -> operator, which calls an object on the heap, rather than on the stack.

Let’s say we don’t use the new operator, and don’t use a pointer lookup:

int main(void) {
  const Animal animals[] = {Animal(), Bird(), Elephant()};

  for (const auto &animal : animals) {

This prints out:

walk Animal
walk Animal
walk Animal

Since we are literally treating each animal as an Animal type, animal.move() calls the default Animal implementation of move. If we choose to have no runtime cost, we get less desirable behavior. But C++ gives you the choice upfront.

Let’s dig deeper.

C doesn’t have any language support for virtual functions, but we can still emulate them.

A (very) rough translation of the java program might look like this:

#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct Animal {
  const char *name;
  void (*move)(const struct Animal *);
} Animal_t;

void fly(const Animal_t *a) { printf("fly %s\n", a->name); }
void walk(const Animal_t *a) { printf("walk %s\n", a->name); }
void animal_move(const Animal_t *a) { a->move ? a->move(a) : walk(a); }

int main(void) {
  const Animal_t animals[] = {
      {.name = "Animal"}, {.name = "Bird", .move = fly}, {.name = "Elephant"}};
  const size_t animals_len = sizeof(animals) / sizeof(Animal_t);

  for (int i = 0; i < animals_len; i++) {
    const Animal_t animal = animals[i];

C actually lets us do some interesting things here: It allows us to allocate our animals on the stack. As well, we create an animal_move function that asks the struct passed in if it has a function pointer for move. If it does, then it defers to that, otherwise it calls a default implementation. If we do choose to use a more specific version of move, then we do have the pointer lookup cost, but if not, there is no cost.

Predictably, this prints:

walk Animal
fly Bird
walk Elephant

Digging a little up, we find that Rust has a similar concept, but it does away with using keywords like virtual or final to designate dynamic dispatch.

pub trait Animal {
    fn name(&self) -> String {
    fn act(&self) {
        println!("walk {}",;

struct GenericAnimal {}
impl Animal for GenericAnimal {}

struct Bird {}
impl Animal for Bird {
    fn name(&self) -> String {
    fn act(&self) {
        println!("fly {}",;

struct Elephant {}
impl Animal for Elephant {
    fn name(&self) -> String {

fn main() {
    let animals: Vec<&dyn Animal> = vec![&GenericAnimal{}, &Bird{}, &Elephant{}];
    for animal in animals {

We create a trait of animal (kind of like an interface, but supercharged) and then we create an instantiable version of it (GenericAnimal) that just takes the default implementation. Then we implement our Bird and Elephant and we collect them into a vector and properly call the method on them. The compiler assumes that we want dynamic dispatch by default and does it for us. If not, we can call the parent classes’ method:

Animal::act(&Bird); // this calls the Animal version of `act` with a bird.

This is similar to C++:

const Bird* bird = new Bird();
bird->Animal::move(); // calls Animal::move with bird.

In short, here’s a history of virtual functions and their syntax, starting from C and ending with Rust:

In C, there’s a rough way to emulate virtuals, but it takes some effort since it’s not built into the language.

In C++, virtual functions were deemed useful enough to be built into the language. This led to a terser syntax for overriding, but led to more cognitive load on the programmer, since they had to choose virtual or non-virtual implementations.

In Java, most methods are by default virtual, so the implementation details are hidden from the programmer. Java allows you to declare non-overridable methods as final, so final methods have no runtime cost, and all @Override methods have runtime cost, which is a fair tradeoff.

In Rust, the compiler figures out if you want a virtual or normal method call through your trait implementations, but allows you to call the base method through a subclass if you so choose. This allows for having even less cognitive load than in Java (no @Override or final necessary), but with an escape hatch to call the base class method in an overriden type (as C++ allows).